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Declan Morton

Money Transfer Businesses – Don’t ignore the FCA!

If you run a Money Transfer Business (an MTB) which provides Money Transfer Services, you’ll already know that it’s a regulated activity within the scope of the Financial Conduct Authority, the FCA. You’ll understand the obligations that relationship creates. The FCA may be busy, but that doesn’t mean compliance can be overlooked Even if your

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Transaction Monitoring for Money Transfer Services  – More Than Counting Clicks

The United Kingdom’s remittance sector, long dominated by money transfers to the Indian Subcontinent, is experiencing  growth and diversification. Remittances to Caribbean nations and several African countries continue to grow, especially to those in West and Sub-Saharan Africa. The industry faces a broadening market with increasing complexity. And in the UK, regulatory compliance features as

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As UK Remittance Services Boom, the Need for Effective Compliance Becomes More Urgent

As cross-border remittance services flourish globally, the imperative to counter financial crime and ensure effective regulatory compliance has never been clearer. Activity in the United Kingdom is a good example of this need. In the UK there has been significant growth in cross-border payments. Here, according to Research and Markets, the remittance market is projected

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MTBs – Compliance is the Key to Long-Term Growth

Money transfer businesses (MTBs) operate in a sector characterised by a long phase of sustained expansion. Growth statistics project a global market value of $83.2 billion by 2034. That’s a compound annual growth rate of 13.5%​​. In this environment, established enterprises are enlarging their networks, and new entrants are attracted by the sector’s opportunities. It’s

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MTBs: Maintaining Regulatory Compliance is Easier Than You Think

Money transfer businesses (MTBs) play a vital role in the global financial ecosystem, facilitating cross-border transactions for millions. However, the sector also faces increased scrutiny due to its potential for misuse by criminals. Financial crime is a significant global threat. Estimates of its approximate annual value range from 2 trillion US dollars (HSBC) to 3

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Offering Remittances at 0% fees? Ensure your MTB operations are seamless!

A recent announcement by money transfer business (MTB) LemFi highlights a growing trend in the UK remittance market. Along with other providers they now offer zero fees on some transfers, coupled with competitive exchange rates. LemFi’s promise is zero fees for transfers from the UK to India. As the remittance market grows and competition increases,

Offering Remittances at 0% fees? Ensure your MTB operations are seamless! Read More »

Do your Identity Checks Really Establish Customer IDs?

In the UK, financial services regulation is stringent. Expectations are high, within the industry, and more broadly in the economy and society too. Non-compliance can have severe consequences, including fines, reputational damage and, potentially, the loss of the right to operate. For Money Transfer Businesses (MTBs), the environment necessitates rigorous identity verification processes to prevent

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Money Transfer Services – Why Small Details Matter

As in any other business, in the UK’s remittance sector getting the details right is fundamentally important. It’s a growing market, possibly booming. Operators who pay consistent attention to detail should succeed. Those who take shortcuts make themselves especially vulnerable. With an estimated worth of approximately £9.12 billion in 2024, projected to rise to £10.02

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Wanted: Efficient and Effective Compliance for a Competitive Edge 

It’s an understatement to say the UK’s remittance sector is highly competitive. It’s an environment where survival can depend on achieving both efficiency and effectiveness. And nowhere is it more evident than with compliance processes. Money Transfer Businesses (MTBs) grapple with the dual challenges of ensuring regulatory compliance while striving to remain agile and responsive

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Why Scalable Compliance is Key for Remittance Providers

The financial services sector is heavily regulated, and compliance demands can be a burden for businesses of all sizes. Remittance providers, also known as money transfer businesses (MTBs), are no exception. Know Your Customer (KYC) checks, anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures, and sanctions lists are just some of the hurdles that MTBs must

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The Changing Shape of the UK Remittance Market

The remittance market in the United Kingdom is undergoing gradual but significant transformation. Traditionally dominated by links with the Indian subcontinent, the focus is broadening to include several African countries as key destinations for funds. The shift reflects broader economic trends and the increasing influence of digital technology. Consistent Growth in Demand for Remittance Services.

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In the UK Money Transfer Market, it Pays to Stay in the Know

The UK’s financial system continues to develop and grow, not least in the money transfer market. Growth is fueled by complementary factors: demand is high, and digitalization makes sending money overseas easier and cheaper than before. There are over 650 Money Transfer Operators (MTOs) in the UK, and digital services mean there’s less need for

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In the Remittance Service Market, it Pays to Stay Alert

In the UK remittance service market, the call for vigilance against financial crime has never been louder. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the UK’s financial regulatory body, has reaffirmed its commitment to combating financial crimes, with a specific focus on anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT). This emphasis comes at a

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Money Transfer: Fine Margins and Compliance Require State-of-the-Art Automation

As they quietly ease the flow of money across the world, money transfer services form an intimidating web of necessity and convenience. For millions they’re a lifeline, underpinning economies and supporting families continents away. Remittances from families and migrant workers have rarely been so widespread. The growth and significance of this sector are emphasized by

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From Compromised Emails to Pig Butchering – Catching Fraud in the Digital World

To accompany the Global Fraud Summit in London in March this year, Interpol has shared a snapshot of the range of fraud-based financial crime. Offences fit into six broad types. The four most common are investment fraud, advance payment fraud, romance fraud, and business email compromise. Also featuring are impersonation and identity fraud. Plus, there’s

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When is KYC not KYC?

The world of financial services is a classic example of an environment where we seek clarity and simplicity, but seem plagued by ever more complex systems and regulation. That this is at least in part due to criminal activity comes as no surprise. Thus, many institutions are caught between the need for compliance and the

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Remittance Services – tackling another vulnerability

Digital services spread rapidly once their potential is understood. Witness the swift adoption of mobile phones in regions where traditional infrastructures were absent. This digital leap has transformed many sectors, including financial services, and particularly in the realm of remittances. Remittance services, crucial for millions of migrant workers worldwide, facilitate the easy, cheap and quick

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Compliance: Why the Big Picture Matters

Negotiating financial regulations can feel like walking a tightrope. For financial service businesses, including banks and credit unions, effective compliance requires an understanding of regulations in minute detail and a sound grasp of the importance of the rationale behind them. Importantly, truly effective compliance isn’t just about ticking boxes. But amidst the regulations and details,

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Keeping the Records Straight for a Clear Conscience – and Freedom from  Fines

Have you ever woken in the night fretting, wondering if there’s a gap in your compliance? Even if you’re not a compliance officer, this critical element in the financial sector can be daunting. The aim – reducing the risk and incidence of financial crime – is essential, but it’s easy to accidentally fall foul of

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Hard Cases Make Bad Law – and more Layers of Compliance

The old legal maxim, “Hard Cases Make Bad Law,” has wide application. It reflects the difficulty of legislating in response to unusual or extreme circumstances. Often the result is a law that doesn’t serve well in general application, or it might come with unintended consequences. This is especially relevant now,  in the context of the

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Sanctions and PEP – Expect More and Stricter Implementation

In financial services, active compliance is more important than ever. The war in Ukraine, and the Gaza crisis, means that fallout from international relations reaches deep into the commercial world. Heightened geopolitical turmoil necessitates an even more robust approach to regulatory compliance. These must transcend standard procedures and look at all elements of KYC with

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Managing the Multiple Layers of Compliance – Efficiently

Across the world, the burden of regulatory compliance is not just growing – it’s accelerating rapidly. Financial institutions face a labyrinth of regulations that demand meticulous attention to detail and an in-depth understanding of international financial laws. Compliance tasks range from adhering to efficient and effective KYC routines and intelligent transaction monitoring, to navigating the

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Embracing the Complexity of Global Compliance

For financial institutions, compliance is not just a process. Like the sea, it’s continuously moving and changing, and it requires vigilance to stay in tune with  the latest laws, regulations and lists. Understanding this is crucial, especially when multiple jurisdictions are involved.  It’s necessary to navigate regulations accordingly, often when rules may change with little

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EU tightens up on AML

On 13th December 2023, the European Union  took a significant step forward in its fight against financial crime, especially anti-money laundering. Establishing the EU Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) is a testament to this commitment. The new body is designed to supervise and coordinate national authorities, enhancing their ability to detect and combat suspicious cross-border transactions.

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Gambling – Safety and Security, and the Sum of Human Happiness

Any industry that moves a lot of money is bound to chase the holy grail of payment systems that are safe, secure and simple to use. Gambling fits the bill. It’s continuously evolving and, increasingly, looking for ways to transfer funds securely between casinos and their patrons very quickly and very easily. And while the

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Revolution or Evolution? Navigating Compliance in Financial Services

In 2024 and beyond, the financial landscape will be characterized by rapid technological change and the importance of how we move money. Fintech companies are at the forefront of this response, revolutionizing payment methods and enhancing customer experiences. At the same time, they make the financial world safer.

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URGENT and EFFECTIVE AML is non-negotiable.

The 2023 Basel AML Index has brought to light an alarming escalation in global money laundering and terrorist financing risks. This annual report, emphasizing the urgent need for effective compliance measures, describes a concerning trend: despite robust frameworks, the effectiveness of systems for anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism funding (CFT) is in decline. As the

URGENT and EFFECTIVE AML is non-negotiable. Read More »

The Shifting Sands of Financial Risk: Balancing Perception and Reality

In financial services, risk perception is often as significant as the risk itself. A recent report(1) in  The Business Times of Singapore reveals growing concerns among Singaporean financial institutions about money laundering risks. This comes in the wake of a major scandal in August 2023, where ten individuals were arrested for a money-laundering scheme involving

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Proactive Support: how tech supports vulnerable gamblers

In recent years, the gambling industry has made important strides in addressing problem gambling. Increasingly, the emphasis is on support for those at risk, rather than punitive measures. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the importance of responsible gambling practices and the need to protect vulnerable individuals. Some organisations have acted slowly but the

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